Dark kitchen automation

For comprehensive accounting of your business, Poster offers an accounting system including online cash register, warehouse, finance, analytics and CRM system for only €29 per month.

Kitchen automation with Poster

Execute orders promptly

With the Poster app, your operator can easily take orders and send them to the chef instantly.

Automate delivery

With Poster, you can accept delivery orders from both aggregators and your own service. Monitor order statistics to effectively monitor courier performance.

Keep track of merchandise

Gain full control over ingredient and material balances in stock, take inventory and plan purchases from suppliers.

Special equipment for work automation and accounting

You can easily install the Poster order-taking terminal on a variety of devices: Android or iPad tablets, Windows or MacOS computers. This will greatly simplify the selection of equipment and reduce costs.

For the convenience of chefs, you can install a screen in the kitchen so they can see the order list and send notifications when food is ready to be served to the terminal.

The accounting system for dark kitchens reduces the burden on the staff

Use the traffic report and sales statistics in Poster to plan your purchases and determine how many billets you need. Thanks to this, you won’t need to do all the calculations manually. In Poster, you can see how much billets are needed on busy or normal days.

Also, take inventories to avoid shortages or reorders. There are ready-made revision tables available in Poster that you can print or fill out online.

Load planning

Use the "Production" function to replenish your stock with new workpieces and control their consumption. You can plan the optimal amount of semi-finished products needed for the next day.

Procurement Reminder

Set up alerts on stock balances that are approaching a minimum. This will allow you not to miss the moment for purchasing and contact the supplier in time.

Control of finances

With Poster, you will be able to record all transactions and generate reports to help you reduce unnecessary costs and assess the profitability of your business.

A system for kitchen accounting

These features allow you to focus on what matters most: service quality and customer satisfaction

Get access to the institution's analytics at any time

Control panel in the browser

Make changes to menus, shifts, and inventory right from your computer’s browser.

Detailed statistics

In Poster, you will have access to statistics on employees, items, categories, and online orders. With ABC analysis you will be able to determine which dishes bring you more profit and which are worth replacing or changing.

Analytics in a smartphone

With the Poster Boss mobile app, you can view real-time revenue directly on your smartphone. You’ll also be able to track stock balances and receive notifications on the status of your cash register shift, including opening and closing.

Product control

With Poster, you will always be aware of the remaining rice for rolls and the amount of semi-finished products in stock. You will be able to group the remains by categories and warehouses, which will simplify the procurement process.

Kitchen software automates delivery

Set up the integration with the site

Integrate your site with Poster to take online orders via terminal, or use the off-the-shelf Poster Shop integration solution. All food and product categories from the dashboard will automatically appear on your site.

Keep track of courier statistics

In the Poster control panel, you'll have the ability to analyze the performance of each employee. You'll be able to view order turnaround times, which will help you improve your delivery service.

Use the mobile app

In the app, the courier will have the following functions: view a list of all new orders with details, use map navigation and report on the delivery to the customer.

50,000 establishments have already appreciated the benefits of using Poster - join us too!

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